John Searl had decided to launch his new work 'Chalk Stream Roach, the ultimate challenge' at the Lands End pub just outside Reading, the same venue that his last work 'A Brush With the Avon' was also launched.
The venue is ideal as it seems every wall is adorned with cased fish, and not just any cased fish; these are huge fish, stuffed by the leading taxidermists and is well worth a visit for lunch. However, these days are also memorable for the chance to get to meet your angling heroes, and many take this chance to get them to sign long-treasured titles.

Chalk Stream Roach is a book which John has produced, not just based on his own exploits, which are worthy of the work on their own, but also draws on the experiences of master roach anglers such as Ron Smith and Dave Howes, who are renowned for their exploits on the Hampshire avon, as is Mark Wintle on the Frome, Pat McManus on the Itchen and Vic Beyer on the Kennet. These anglers have caught more two and three pound roach than many others have caught fish.
The roach was once the most common fish in lowland Britain, but is now more scarce and has nearly disappeared from many waters. This book really extols the beauty of one of my favourite fish, and is well worth buying. It will really inspire you to try to capture one of the most shy fish and it is only by doing so that you can call yourself a true angler.

The day was also memorable for the chance to talk to the likes of Dave Steuart, a man who is a great roach angler, developed paternostering for pike and also wrote 'How to catch Them; Carp', Peter Wheat, author of many titles including the iconic 'The Fighting Barbel', Pete reading who is doing great work in promoting habitat improvement for the Barbel Society amongst many other works, Len Arbury, Pete Rogers, Peter Garvan, John Everard, Bob Buteux et al.

The atmosphere was friendly and welcoming, with no-one minding a complete stranger walking up for a talk. These events really are well worth attending, and we wish John success with his book. We have managed to get copies, signed by most of the attendees, for sale at River Reads, but be quick because they won't be there long.