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Hooked on Lure Fishing

Author:  Dominic Garnett and Andy Mytton

Publisher: Merlin Unwin

Date: 2019

Rating: ****

In recent years there has been an explosion in lure fishing techniques, from the lines used, soft lures, LRF fishing, species hunting, etc  

This is one of the first books to catch up with this explosion in the variety of tackle and techniques. It begins as a guide to the beginner who just wants to try it, starting with the right rod, reel and lines to use  from LRF to plug fishing for sea fish.

It develops to explain the lures now avaiable and how best to use them, the action, and for which species fish they are designed for, or that you can catch on them (both fresh and saltwater). There is also advice about where they are likely to lie and how to encourage the take.

If you want to find something out, it will be in here with tips about how best to do it.

It is well written by one of the best of the modern angling writers in Dom Garnett, and by two top lure anglers, and beautifully illustated with brilliant underwater photographs by Jack Perks which brings everything to life.  If you like lure fishing then this is reference book should be on your shelf. It will appeal to the biginner and to the enthusiast that wants to develop his skills and improve is catches

As a footnote I lure fish but am probably more a bait fisherman, but have watched Dom and I have managed to improve my bait fishing from the techniques and information in this book too.