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How to Think Like a Fish

Author: Jeremy Wade

Publisher :Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Date: 2019

Rating: ****


This is Jeremy’s follow-on book from the classic “River Monsters”. He said he was inspired to write it following all the questions he receives about “How can I improve my catches?”


He starts off with an interesting introduction where it takes a few lines to realise he is looking at the bait from the fishes perspective. He then uses each chapter to explain one aspect of his approach to angling and how easy it is to make assumptions or basic errors.


He starts from the obvious but often overlooked “Is the fish I am seeking present?” and he is very self-effacing telling of his days carp fishing in a big water thinking the fish must be there – but weren’t. He explains the preparation to the trips he makes around the world and how vital it is to ask the local fishermen for advice, but also not to blindly follow what they say, using his experience.


He talks about the tackle he uses – to catch the fish he wants and not be concerned that it is too powerful for 99% of the fish he catches.  His common sense takes me back to the steps Richard Walker often quoted.


However, he uses his captures as a backdrop for each point which you easily picture having watched the series. The book also benefits from Jeremy having undertaken a journalism course, so the quality and approach to writing is far better than the majority of angling writers.


I picked up advice on the FG knot for joining lines of different material and diameters which has paid off since deep sea fishing, as well as realising some of my faults.


It is well worth a read as I am sure you will recognise some of the faults as being in yourselves -  and it is also an interesting book in its own right.