gary and his wife paula kindly allowed me to stop the night so that I could get in another 2-3 hours trotting in the morning on the tiniest carrier before I had to head back to Devon. It was barely 2 rods length wide and 18" deep and although the stream had a tinge o colour, I couldn't see any fish. I have caught the odd nice perch from there in the past so I set up my chubber float and trotted a couple of maggots gently downstream with the odd few thrown in as loosefeed.

The day started well as I caught a few bits and pieces, roach, perch, dace and skimmer. Gary turned up to se how I was doing and at that point the float dipped under and I struck into a fish which whipped the rod over to my amazement, it ws a larger than expected chub, a big 3lbs pushing 4lbs fish; quite a handful. A few casts later and a 3lb 4oz bream came out. I can't believe I couldn't see it and its back wasn't out of the water.

What a fabulous few hours of unexpected good sport and much bigger fish than I had hoped for. Great sport and it just shows what fish these little streams can hold.