The main reason for Reg’s visit was a trip we had planned aboard the Independent out of Clovelly with Dave and Doug after Porbeagle shark.
We were lucky with the weather as the sea appeared flat calm at the outset and the sky was overcast, but there was still a goodish swell as we rounded Hartland Point heading for a mark just off Welcombe.
The fish to make the chum trail were cut up and then crushed and placed in a bag and as the trail drifted from the boat we tackled up with a shark rod and another rod to have some fun after fish for the table at the same time.

After seeing a seal just off the stern we started fishing with Reg catching the usual dogfish first and I was quickly into a double figure tope. Then I jinxed the trip by saying I wouldn’t photograph that fish, I would wait for a bigger one. From then on it was hard work with fish coming in short bursts.
Reg caught a bull huss and a three bearded rockling, fish he had never caught before. I was delighted to catch a black bream, my favourite fish for eating. Not to be outdone Reg caught two larger ones. We caught pollack too but the highlight of the day was watching the pods of dolphin chasing food fish at quite high speed. Initially we saw a pod of about ten but in the middle of the day, a larger pod of well over a dozen came past the back of the boat which would have made a great photograph if I hadn’t fallen over at that point straight onto the bait board. The bright flash really stood out in the bright sunshine of the afternoon. Shortly afterwards another smaller pod passed by.

Whilst the sport hadn’t been excellent and we didn’t see any sign of a shark, I always enjoy a day out sea fishing with good company and it is something I always say I should do more of, so have booked a tope trip for next month.