I hadn't been out fishing much of lately so when I left the shop and saw the sun shining I thought it was the ideal time to go down to Weare Giffard, further down the Torridge and try for the mullet. By the time I had arrived the wind had picked up and showers threatened. indeed, as the evening progressed, the showers fell and there was no sign of fish activity at all which is unusual for this stretch. But just before the tide flowed upstream, I saw the tell-tale signs of mullet, swirls around the waters edge. I baited up with a small piece of bread and as the fish reached my bait, i saw the line tighten a little and was into a good mullet. These fish fight really hard, and coupled with a soft mouth and good instincts, it is no wonder they can appear the impossible fish to catch in rivers (although they are easier in estuaries and harbours). I was rewarded with my best ever muller of 4lb 1oz.
My endeavours over the past year have taught me a great deal about how to approach the fish after being challenged that I couldn't catch a river mullet. Unusually for me, as it can be boring, I will add a few technical notes for the anglers which may assist there quest. I have to point out that my exposure to different waters is limited so please take these points as suggestions and not as "must do" techniques.
a) The first thing to do is find your mullet. This I achieved by walking the banks at both low and high tide. I couldn't find any fish at high tide due to the range of the tide in local rivers. The Bristol Channel has the second highest tides in the world so the surge up the local rivers covers a long way. However, I did note that at low tide mullet remain in some of the larger pools, and it was these I targetted.

b) Use light tackle. The first time I fished I had bites which dropped immediately any resistance was eflt, so tackled up with coarse fishing gear and 4 or 6lb monofilament. Even now I was unable to hit takes so decided to go to a weightless rig. I simply tied a size 10 or 12 hook directly on the 4lb line and attached a small Arlesy Bomb in paternostering style but did not use any shot. I simply tied the bomb on an 18" length of line and tied this to the main line with a half blood knot about 24" from the hook. By gently tightening to the lead, it allowed the mullet to run for nearly three feet before it felt the weight of the lead.
c) The fish also felt the resistance of the bite indication if you used silver paper or a quiver tip. The best method was to allow a loop of line to drop from the rod top and watch this tighten. By allowing the fish so much freedom to take the bait, it felt no resistance.
d) Don't use a bait that is too big. If an oversize piece of bread is used, ther fish will bang it until it breaks up to bite size portions. This usually results from its seperation from the hook without the angler detecting anything. (I have used peeled prawns from my sandwich which have worked well too - but not with mayonaise). If using bread flake, use a fresh loaf for bait as this stays on the hook better. The balance not used can be kept for making loose feed for the next trip so it won't go to waste.
e) Nearly all the mullet I have taken have been close to the bank, normally within two feet as they patrol the edges looking for food. As you are fishing so close in remember to keep quiet and keep very still or better still break your outline hiding as much as possible.
f) Don't forget to set your clutch very lightly if using a fixed spool reel. These fish are very powerful and you don't want to pull your hook out on the first run. I prefer a centre pin as no casting range is required and the feel of the fish is better with a pin (although many wouldn't agree with me)
g) Some loose feed also helps. I use liquidised stale bread (left over from previous trips) which breaks up well on submerging, but be careful as mullet are timid fish and excessive splashing can spook them.
I have tried this approach and rig on another couple of local waters with equal success, so keep these points in mind, they may just help you catch more mullet.