One of the nicest things about running River Reads is the interesting people we get to meet. Whilst recording Recollections II we were priviledged to have Des Taylor stay with us. Des has been writing in Angling Times for longer than most will admit, bringing a common sense approach to his articles and cutting through some of the hype and nonsense which is spouted at length.

During his stay Des also told us about his interest in angling history, and how much we can still learn by reading the books of Walker, Taylor etc. His thinking on these subjects appeared closely aligned with our own, and at the next Angling Heritage Trustees' meeting it was decided to ask Des if he would like to become a Trustee, giving a broader approach than we currently have, and also the exposure that Angling Times can bring to points raised.
We are delighted to say that Des readily accepted, and after fishing the Kennet recently, Reg and I were able to meet Des and share anecdotes of our day's sport (he'd been fishing in North Wales in -11C) over a few drinks. Des also signed his acceptance of the post of Trustee and we're glad to have his support for the work of Angling Heritage (UK).