This is the first time that I have fished the local reservoir for six months, but after all the travels, driving, and working at home all day, come 5 o'clock I just had to get out for 2 to 3 hours fishing.
As usual, I took my Kennet Perfection and centre pin. I had just restored the mid section of the rod which was starting to look abit dog-eared so was pleased to see line running through the rings again, with a 2BB float fished at about 9' deep.

My lack of practice showed, catching a tree a couple of times, but ended up with half a dozen roach to about 8oz and 5 bream to about 3lb, plus a nice rudd.
I also had fun feeding a carp right next to my foot for about 20 minutes until I packed up. he wasn't keen on luncheon meet, but every time I threw in some sweetcorn, up ha would come and stay there until the bait had all gone, even when I threw some more onto his head! It was a good job I wasn't fishing for him.
At the end of the evening, my tranquility had been restored, and I was all set for the shop today.