Marathon Man – my hero
Just over 19 months ago at the age of 55, my younger brother Gerard Martin was diagnosed with bowel cancer – a cruel blow to a man who has always taken care of his diet and is a long-time member of the Stourbridge Running Club.
Credit goes to the NHS; within weeks of being diagnosed, he was in hospital in Dudley, West Midlands and had his operation which left him with a rather interesting accessory on his abdomen. He also took part in a clinical trial for a new drug combination and endured the 12 month course of chemotherapy with great resolve. Just weeks ago, he underwent a further operation to close the wound and is still wearing a small dressing.

Throughout his trials and tribulations, he was both active and positive, devising a pouch to support his ‘handbag’ as he called it so that he could keep on running and exercising and because he was a little less active than usual, he coached youngsters in the running club. He is a true inspiration to fellow sufferers and especially to his family who privately feared for his life.
Gerard, who has previously completed two marathons and several half marathons, was due to run in the 2009 London marathon before his illness nobbled that and he never expected to be selected for 2010! Shocked at being drawn in the ‘ballot’ again, plan A was to defer till 2011 as naturally enough, he felt that he might not be able to take part so soon after his reversal operation. Plan B was that he offered his place to others but as he said to me in a ‘phone conversation on Monday evening: ‘there were no takers so I thought I’d give it a go!’
His ‘phone call was the first I knew that he’d taken part in Sunday’s London Marathon; had I known, I’m sure I’d have tried to dissuade him but know that I’d have failed because he can be a stubborn as a mule sometimes but hey ho – he did it - he completed the course and modestly told me that he was a bit slower than last time, even though he managed to beat two other members of his running club!
I asked him if he’d raised any money in the process and also which charity he’d chosen. When the money is in from his sponsors, he’ll have raised around £300 for the Bobby Moore Bowel Cancer fund and as his older sister, I am bursting with pride for the man I am so proud to call my brother. He’s my hero.
Sandra Armishaw
28th April, 2010