After a day recording Bob Buteux and Len Arbery in Clacton, it seemed an ideal chance to pop to Bradwell (well that's what I told Sandy although it took over an hours driving) for a little sea fishing with my friends from previous trips Reg, Keith Elliott, Nick, Peter etc seven of us in all.
Those of you who read the diary will realise that I went out last year, but I wanted another go. Although John was in Florida for the tarpon fishing, we were skippered by his colleague Phil who was equally competent. The weather was kind being dry all day with minimal wind as we sailed from Bradwell to near the windfarm off the Clacton coast. It proved quicker to go by boat than it had by car in the opposite direction!

The day started off quietly and I was first into a fish of about 6lb. After my failings in India it was good to stike into a decent fish. As the tide slowed, so did the action and we moved closer to the shore behind a sandbank to catch the fish moving through as the tide turned. We all caught steadily in the afternoon and I finished with seven cod, my best sea fishing session. These were filletted on the boat after being given tuition by my friend Nick who accompanied us. After stopping the night in one of John's sheds, it was back to Devon.