After catching dogfish in Ilfracombe, I decided to try something where I probably wouldn't catch another one. I went on an estuary bass fishing trip out of the beautiful fishing village of Appledore, one of the jewels of North Devon.
Whilst this was a three hour trip, generally for holidaymakers, it fitted in with my lack of knowledge and suitable tackle.

Starting out from the key, we boarded the Cheeky Monkey and went up the river initially opposite the shipyard fishing with a running lead using worm and crab for bait. We all had takes and I caught a bass of about 10oz, which being too small was duly returned. We caught three bass between us and this was probably the largest.
As sport was slow, we tried in the deeper water behind the sand bar with little success.
I have no doubt that on other days the sport would be good and this was just a typical poor fishing day, however, as I am used to not catching much I am able to enjoy just being by the water, especially on a sunny day when the estuary was like a mill pond. It is something that I will try again, hopefully before the winter comes.