We arrived to start fishing just after midday. We had spent an hour or so looking at recommended stretches which were bordering on industrial. Whilst these may be good fishing areas, we decided that this wasn't for us as we enjoy looking at the countryside and wildlife. For us, this is as important as catching fish and looking at derelict buildings with litter-strewn banks is a definite no-no. We eventually found a couple of fields just outside the town. There was a small pool on the banks which was frozen over and all the puddles were blocks of ice so we expected a tough day, and so it proved. I managed to catch a reasonable grayling and a small dace before the light started to fail. Then I switched to a big lump of spam and missed a couple of good tugs before catching a 2lb chub. This seemed fair reward for a really tough afternoon's fishing, and also shows how small rivers can still yield fish, even in testing conditions.