Whilst we haven't had much in the way of frost, only two or three minor chills, it was very different when we arrived at lacock, or as Reg would say, when I eventually arrived at 9.30 having travelled up from Devon.
We set out our stall in the field behind the Abbey. Reg fishing a swim which produced good results for him last time, and I started in the telegraph pole swim which has worked for me. The river was up and a little coloured and so looked perfect for fishing, although we didn't expect it to be easy on such a cold day.

After a couple of casts around the pool, I had a gentle pull and struck into a good chub, having to be helped by Reg as I slid down the bank with little control. he eventually netted the fish, missing a top lip, but still turning the scaels to 5.25lb; a great start to the day.
Although we both love river fishing and silver fish, we have differing styles, Reg preferring to work a swim using his match fishing techniques whereas I prefer to rove and find the fish with bigger baits.

Last time we were there, Reg's tachnique paid off with a much bigger bag then me, however, this was a good start. I moved down a swim at a time and after another hour or so struck into a barbel which shot under the undergrowth on my side of the bank. I had thought this would be a good swim as there was no evidence of anybody fishing there previously, but how could I get the fish to the net. I quick shout and my faithful gillie, Reg, came running up the bank and duly netted the fish, a 6lb barbel - what a star!
From then on, neither of us had a bite of note, and so we crossed the road downstream and after a short wait, it was Reg's turn to have a bite and strike into a god fish, but his reel clutch snagged and his 6lb line snapped with little effort.
No further fish were caught and it appeared that as the water was ciod, you had to drop the bait right on to the fish's nose to get a bite as they didn't respond to loose feed or any bait changes.
Hoever, the weather was sunny, and properly dressed, we were warm and enjoyed a delightful day out next to the river in idyllic surroundings.