After the excitement of the previous day, day 2 was spent on the Lamb Stream, a carrier full of silver fish, and this time we were joined by friend Reg Talbot.

I set up quickly and had caught about 10 roach by the time the others were fishing. The competition between me and Lee was a numbers game, but with anyone who catches a gudgeon winning outright. This gave me a great start which just carried on. I caught a succession ofrRoach interprersed with dace plus chublet, a solitary bleak and a few perch (but no trout).
Reg fished the weir pool and his first fish just wouldn't budge off the bottom. He was using 4lbs line for chub but this wasn't a chub. We decided it was a barbel and after several minutes when we didn't get close to seeing it, the line parted. Reg persevered and managed half a dozen rainbow trout and a decent chub.

Lee also caught a few trout; oddly, these were brownies. He had roach, perch, dace, chublet and sadly 3 GUDGEON, so he had won the match catching half the number of fish that I did which didn't seem quite right.

However, a full days sport, fishing as I like it best, trotting a small river. What could be better?