I had never fished the River Thames before so, having taken Reg to a couple of my known waters, he took me to the Thames at Clanfield.
We bought tickets from a good tackle shop in Witney in a housing estate we headed off to a the Thames, to a stretch that even reg didn’t know.
We drove across fields and found the river winding to and fro and decided to fish amongst trees on a bend. Reg started rotting, Lee tried deadbaiting for pike and I rolled spam under trees. All this was to no avail as we didn’t have a touch.
We then moved around the corner where Reg, with his very light trotting gear started to catch chublets and then gudgeon interspersed with the odd dace and a solitary perch. I don’t fish this lightly, rarely using smaller than a size 12 hook against his 1 lb line and 18 hook, so I caught less fish but with a bigger average size, again chublets, gudgeon and a single dace and perch.

Honours of the day went to Lee. He had not had anything show an interest in his deadbait so went spinning with his favourite Ondex lure and managed three pike to 4lb plus two chub, one of a similar size.
Having fished the Thames, the Trent is now on the agenda having never fished there either.