After a trip tenching and then fly fishing, it was time for some sea fishing. Dave Gabe runs the Cheeky Monkey out of Appledore for tourists fishing the estuary. He is an ex lighthouse keeper and wrasse record holder, so we chartered him for a full morning session (8-12) on an ebbing falling spring tide.

Initially we trolled around using redgills without any success, so we then anchored off Crow point. Dave was the first to catch a nice bass which was returned complying with the new regulations. Then Jonathan had one, again on a crab bait, then it was my turn catching one on a lugworm.

As The Marines hovercaft sped about very noisily, sport dropped, but just befre we had to return to get back before the tide was too low, Dave had 3 more bass and Jonathan had another, so crab appeared to be the bait of the day. The bass were feisty curving their bodies with gills flared so all the spines were armed, showing a real attitude. The trouble was they wouldn’t keep still or flat o take a nice photograph so please excuse this one as they had to be returned promptly to fully recover before release.

IA great way to spend a morning on a flat sea fishing with friends.