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Angler's Mail Encyclopedia of Fishing. the Complete A-Z to Fishing in the British Isles : Coarse, Sea, Trout

Angler's Mail Encyclopedia of Fishing. the Complete A-Z to Fishing in the British Isles : Coarse, Sea, Trout

Westwood Roy (Consultant Editor)

Angler's Mail Encyclopedia of Fishing. the Complete A-Z to Fishing in the British Isles : Coarse, Sea, Trout

Angler's Mail Encyclopedia of Fishing. the Complete A-Z to Fishing in the British Isles : Coarse, Sea, Trout

Publisher: Hamlyn
Published: 1991, London
Edition: Chancellor Press Edition

Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Jacket Condition: Very Good
Price: £5.00 

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