Reg Talbot, a friend and regular fishing buddy and I went out for a few
hours fishing in the morning at Darracott Reservoir. Reg chose to fish
with the pole, and I stuck with the traditional rod and reel (not owning a
pole). 11 O'clock came and went without a bit but then Reg started to get
some interest after changing down to a size 22 with a single maggot catching a
perch initially, the roach which were taken on the drop. I managed to
find an old 16 hook (I don't really use anything below a 12 these days due to
eyesight and age), but by the time we packed up I had caught a couple with the
larger being around 8oz. By then, Reg had caught over a dozen including a roach
of similar size and a skimmer. It did highlight how effective a pole is confining
the feed to a very tight area resulting in a bigger bag when few fish are
around. Reg deserved all the plaudits, but I won't change to a pole. That
type of fishing doesn't appeal - maybe I'm just too old to change my ways.

I did have the robin for company though. it landed on my rod as soon as I
had set up just to let me know he was there and stuck around all the time
pinching bits of bait - one of the joys of being in the open. I get as much
pleasure from watching birds as I do from catching fish.
I also got sunburnt – in March!!!!!