We haven’t issued a River Reads newsletter for a while so it
is great to have a few minutes to upsdate everybody what is going on. Over the last 4 years I have been rebuilding
the house from the inside, new windows, bathrooms, boiler and central heating
insulating the walls etc etc.
Anyway, now all four kids have (finally!!!) left home, we
have roughly the same space as the shop at one end of the house. We were faced with three options, firstly
move and downsize – but we love it where we are, secondly convert it into an
annex, or bring the shop into the space and run it more on line with customers
coming by appointment. The latter sounds
a bit pretentious, it just means ring to make sure I’m there and not off
fishing as I have a lot to catch up on having been working in the shop during
the day and at home at night for ages. I finally have a couple of travels lined
up for next year which I’ll keep you posted about.
We’ve now reached the stage where I’m moving books every day
and have moved all the game fishing books and have started moving the coarse
fishing, pike and carp books. It is
staggering but we seem to have more space for ongoing growth than I imagined
with better shelf design.

We’ve changed internet supplier but will keep the same
telephone number for continuity for our customer, although the “nice” folks at
BT kindly disconnected our line and so we have struggled to keep in touch
The planned completion will be the 29th November
(and Sandy says
I can have a rest then) and we will amend the website with a page of directions
and new address etc.
I hope this explains why we haven’t been sending out the
usual notices or even getting the new publications in the last few months.
On a final note, we are getting some more signed Lost
Diaries in the next few days (I’m sneaking off for a days fishing with Yatesy
much to Sandy’s
disgust) so make sure you call to get some for Xmas.
Don’t forget, it isn’t long to Christmas so make sure you
order your signed books now. I have just released a batch from my personal
library so there is a healthy stock there in time to make the perfect present.