After last week, I thought I would have another go for mullet as the tide was low at dusk. I arrived and casually took up my position from last week - a little too casually as we have been having 6m+ tides for the last few days and as I stood up, the bank gave gradually moved and I slid down into the fine black stinking silt at the bottom. As I tried to pull one foot out, the other sank in and I couldn't move. I managed to reach the landing net and drove this into the firmer area of bank helping to raise a leg as I did so and using the pole, grass and a slightly better footing I managed to haul myself out of the slime, somewhat smelly. This is intended to be a warning because if I hadn't been able to extricate myself, things might have had a different ending the next time the tide came in.

Anyway, I went further along the bank, cautiously, and eventually took a mullet, but just as the light fell I noticed two really large fish cruising and flicked the crust on the top and they took. They don't normally do that on this stretch, but presumably they were more confident in the low light. I'll have to try that in the coming weeks, conditions permitting.