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The Salisbury Weekend - Part II with Chris Yates - 18/02/13

The deluxe edition of Chris Yates book "Nightwalk" has been a long time coming - waiting for the new introduction and artworks, and a few production issues, but at last we were able to organise a gathering for the customers who had purchased the book to spend a couple of hours with Chris getting their book signed.

It was good to have a smaller gathering which allowed everyone a few minutes in one to one dialogue, but it also broadened out into general discussions including publishers and the quality of their authors and materials, fishing and the coming year, football as Chris is an avid Southampton fan (As I am a Villa fan, I couldn't resist calling the Saints a team of divers after the incident against the Villa earlier in the year) and also Chris's forthcoming book currently with a working title of Winterwalk. Many anglers will be pleased that this includes  chapters on fishing including one about ice fishing in Norway.

We broke up at about 4.30pm, and everybody seemed to have enjoyed thier day out, as Sandy and I always do in Chris's company.  We are arranging a couple of fishing excursions later in the year, so I will have plenty to look forward too.